Thursday, 10 March 2011

Little Update...

So yesterday 8th March, was International Women's Day, and although we all celebrated, enjoyed the day, and happily received the mimosa flowers (in Australia I'd call wattle!), which we are given in Italy, it still has to be said that women's equality in general with regards to our work life still has a way to go. I was reading an article in the Sydney Morning Herald talking about how in Australia the idea of quota's, ie for the numbers of women in Executive roles is being discussed more seriously because although there is actually overall more women working in these roles, the numbers should be rising, and they are not as much as they should be. I wonder how long it will take before women are recognised as truly being equal with our male counter-parts, in terms of salary and role. Will it take another century to get there?

I am also thinking maybe I should re-read the book "He's just not that into you" again. I mean if a guy says he wants to see you but doesn't actually suggest a date to meet, then I  have to wonder if he really does want to see me. I'm going to go back online tonight with OK Cupid. Enough wondering about one guy, and I mean as one friend pointed out to me over the weekend, I've decided to move back to Australia, why am I now deciding to do internet dating, and what am I really trying to achieve? I had to think about this, and in essence she is right, I've been in Italy for nearly five years, I've had ample time to do this, and haven't. But maybe I can do some practising and have some fun in the meantime? Hmm...maybe, maybe not!?!?!!

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