Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Carnevale in Venezia

On Saturday I went to Venice for Carnevale. I went with three friends, and after numerous emails and debating we discovered that we couldn't stay overnight as there was just no accommodation to be found, so we travelled from Milan to Venice and back in one day by train and although it was a long day, it was really fun!

It was the final weekend of Carnevale in Venice, and the city was packed with people; both Italian and international visitors. Even so the atmosphere was great and very lively with a lot of people deciding to dress up in traditional Carnevale outfits, or just to wear wigs or masks as we did. The busiest part of the city was definitely surrounding Piazza San Marco where people were congregating to watch all those who had dressed up plus there seemed to be a competition being held for the couple or person who was "Best Dressed". Also busy with people was the main "street" that connects the station to Piazza San Marco. We actually started by deciding to veer off the main drag and as soon as you left this area there was almost no-one around. It was really such a difference. We meandered along many of the canals before arriving back to the busier path and then found our way to the Piazza. We had to go there, just to see it and experience the atmosphere of the Carnevale, people and excitement in the air. I imagine that the Piazza on Saturday night also would of been fantastic, with a real party atmosphere, and people enjoying the festivities all night.

We did however decide to catch the ferry back to the station, as we realised this was going to be much quicker than heading back the way we had come. The ferry is also I think such a pretty way to see the city, and the major monuments, gondoliers, Rialto Bridge and palazzi all overlooking the main canal. It's also a lot less stressful to catch the ferry, as you go straight from point "a" to "b", and of course in Venice that is important, for this is a city where it is extremely easy to get super lost! It's like catching a ferry in Sydney my hometown. I used to love to catch the ferry after work from Circular Quay to Milson's Point and in that 10 minute journey I always felt myself relaxing and unwinding.

Here are some of the photo's I took on the day:

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