Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Mind Games?

Oopsss...I have neglected my blog of late. There is perhaps a reason for this. I think I like to write posts when I believe I have been doing a lot or traveling or visiting somewhere, or just generally getting out and about. I haven't been on a plane since the end of June, and that feels weird. When I lived in Italy, I would at the very least go to London once a month for a work trip, so it is a strange feeling to have not gone anywhere in the past couple of months, and for some reason that equates in my mind to not doing anything important enough to write about.

But I actually am doing things, and am out visiting friends, family and old Sydney haunts. I'm working hard at establishing 77 here in Sydney, and have had a couple of wins, plus am constantly meeting people to introduce the business and find any potential business opportunities. Then in terms of health and well being I've been gyming and started running again which I am enjoying, plus am dieting, but with the intention to lose weight properly and then to keep it off. Oh how nice that would be! Personally, I'm still re-connecting with old friends and also making new friends and that is really good too. I have little moments of feeling lost, and kind of feeling stuck between two worlds, but I'm trying to just march through those moments and enjoy all the happy times I am having here. It's definitely not a "walk in the park" moving countries, and especially moving back to your home country, and this I had been telling myself for months before returning; being that the transition wasn't going to be easy. But more and more I realise that I am genuinely happy to be here in Sydney, and that is truly a good feeling.

What I am craving more than anything is spring and then summer. Even if the winter in Sydney is extremely mild (and lately we have had gorgeous weather) and short as well, I still just want to feel the warm sun on my back and be able to jump into the ocean. It's coming though...tomorrow is the last day of August, and that means its the last official day of winter...hip hooray!

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