Friday, 14 October 2011

Crazy Materialistic Addiction

Today 14th October is the day that the new iPhone 4S is being released all over the world. I've seen a few stories of people that have been camped out for days in order to be one of the first to get their hands on this new Apple phone and even of those in NYC being offered extraordinary amounts of money to give up their hard-earned 1st place position.

I've been waiting since I returned from Italy to also get this new device. In Italy I had the iPhone 3GS and I have to say I was an addict. So much so that every time I send a text with the average Nokia old style phone that I've had since I returned to Sydney I get really annoyed and usually end up accidentally saving a draft version of the text and then swearing under my breath as I desperately try to just send a little old text.

For me the Top 3 reasons why I'm heading to the shops tomorrow to (hopefully) upgrade to the new iPhone are:

* Internet access wherever I am (and therefore the plan I am going to be signing up for has ample data included in the monthly cost!)
* Camera - I've really missed just being able to pull out my phone and take a quick random photo whilst I'm out and about not to mention the Photo applications such as Hipstamatic and Instagram.
* The "All in 1" facet, meaning I can check my emails, Facebook, SMS a friend, take a photo, check the latest news headlines all from one device.

Now, yes, there are Android options and I have been lectured by many people about trying an Android option instead of the Apple iPhone, as for them the Android benefits out-weigh those of the Apple but as I mentioned before I am an iPhone convert and my mind is made up. The early reviews of the new iPhone have all been really positive including the new operating system iOS 5, Siri (voice recognition feature), and great camera all being upgraded and of course the overall speed especially with opening Applications and the browser.

So yes, that makes me a devout iPhone user, and made me think that in this day and age we as consumers all do generally have some addiction to a technological product or gadget that we simply "couldn't live without". On a higher level does this mean we have a greater materialistic need for technology that satisfies our every need and whim, or do we regard technology as being an easier way to make our lives that bit more efficient. I personally think its a bit of both. We use and need technology yet we have our preferences for brands or products that personally we want over needing.

Happy Weekend to you all! It's Friday afternoon knock off time here in Sydney!

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